BEEN, Ragnar


Name BEEN, Ragnar 
Born 8 July 1907
Died 14 January 1928
Age  20
Cemetery Signy
Grave Ref
Register 92
SPRI Ref: 1228/17/145;D


The Register of Deaths tells us that Ragnar died of colic in the gall bladder in the South Orkneys on board the ‘Orwell’. It is not clear whether he was buried in the cemetery on Signy Island or at sea.

Information from a relative, Ragnar Been, tells us:

He was born in Moss, Norway, July 8 1907.

His parents were fisherman Bernhard Kristian Been and Anne Gjertine Jørgensdatter, both born in 1881.

Ragnar grew up at Vallø outside Tønsberg, on the opposite side of the Oslofjord from Moss. He had two brothers, Ronald Christian (1909 – 1977), and Bjarne, who died on the day he was born.

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