Further Information

More information about the cemeteries and people who died and were buried here can be found in a number of places.

Shetland Museum

The Shetland Museum http://www.shetlandmuseumandarchives.org.uk/ has a photo library at http://photos.shetland-museum.org.uk/ that has a number of old photographs of the whalers at South Georgia.

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Bob Headland’s 1986 Article

Bob Headland’s 1986 Article in the Sandefjord Museum Yearbook Bob was based at King Edward Point until expelled by the Argentine invaders in 1982. He did a lot of research into the cemeteries and published an article in the Sandefjord Whaling Museum’s yearbook 1982-86. The relevant pages are in this document. (PDF 3MB – Norwegian)

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Jane Cameron Memorial Archive

The Jane Cameron Memorial Archive in Stanley, Falkland Islands, holds some archived material from the days when the Magistrates at South Georgia were responsible to the Falkland Islands Government. At the time of writing, July 2012, much of the information has yet to be catalogued, though this is slowly happening as time allows. Contact is

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