Floating Factory ships, Aviemore, Admiralen, and Thor I, operated in Godthul from 1908 to 1929 under the Bryde and Dahl company of Sandefjord. They operated catchers Snorre, Edda, and Erling. A small depot was built on shore to support the ship-based operations, supplying water and storing oil, powder and other stores. The burial site, with two or three graves, is nearby, on the spit of land that separates Godthul from Cobblers Cove. There is photographic evidence (see below) of two graves and a third burial is recorded later.
Olaf Olsen was the 2nd mate on Thor I when he died in December 1914. He was taken to Grytviken and was buried there.
Coordinates | Decimal Degrees | Degrees and Decimal Minutes |
Latitude | -54.2800 | 54° 16.800′ S |
Longitude | -36.2944 | 036° 17.664′ W |
The site is within the Godthul / Cobblers Cove visitor site area and may be visited.