KNUDSEN, Anders Martinius

Name KNUDSEN, Anders Martinius
Born 1 March 1885
Died 9 March 1911
Age 26
Cemetery Godthul
Grave Ref Unknown
Register 3

Recent information from Willy Knutsen, the great-nephew of Anders KNUDSEN, confirms the correct name (The register of Deaths says Martin Knudsen) and that he was born 1 March 1884 in Bamble, Telemark, Norway. He also tells us that Anders was visited by the doctor from Grytviken on board the factory ship Thor I in Godthul, but an operation was unsuccessful and Anders was definitely buried at Godthul.

Willy’s research in October 2010 located this document (PDF, 1MB, opens new window) which he has translated here (PDF, 33kb, opens new window) and here (52kB, PDF, opens new window).

A photograph of the grave of Ole Martin Gullicksen is annotated with a caption that indicates that there are two graves in the photograph. This confirms that Anders is indeed buried in the same place as he was the only other recorded death in the site by the date of the photograph.

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