Name | GULLIKSEN, Ole Martin |
Born | Norway 13 July 1893 |
Died | 17 March 1913 |
Age | 19 |
Cemetery | Godthul |
Grave Ref | 1 |
Register | 19 |
SPRI Ref | 1228/17/8;D |
The SPRI records tell us that Gulliksen died on board the factory ship Thor I which was operating in Godthul. He was struck on the head by a wooden toggle (knovel), which jumped out of the hole in the strip of blubber they were raising up onto the factory ship.
A relative of Anders Knudsen wrote and told us:
I have found some more informations about Ole Martin Gulliksen, where he was born, baptized, etc. He had 2 brothers and 1 sister in Norway, living in a place called Modum.

Photo courtesy of the Halvorsen family/Harald Nilsen. The handwritten title says that there were two whalers’ graves there on 18 Feb 1917

The grave site rediscovered by Dion Poncet (pictured) during the Historic Sites Survey in 2006/7. Photo courtesy of Ken Passfield and South Georgia Surveys.

Exposed part of wooden structure at the gravesite. Possibly the cross?